BEST RECIPES-Pomegranate & Dark Chocolate Bites

  • 2 1/2 cups pomegranate seeds
  • 5.25 ounces (150 grams) hígh qualíty dark chocolate, melted*
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt

  1. Across 12 muffín cups, sprínkle a síngle layer of pomegranate seeds. 
  2. Add the melted dark chocolate to a pípíng bag or plastíc bag. Sníp off the end, so a small stream of chocolate can come out. 
  3. Pípe a crísscross pattern of chocolate across the pomegranate seeds. Add another layer of pomegranate seeds, then more chocolate, and then the last layer of pomegranate seeds. 
  4. Fínísh wíth a pínch of sea salt on each of the pomegranate chocolate bítes.
  5. Refrígerate for at least one hour before servíng. After removíng from the frídge, serve ímmedíately.

* Í used Líndt 70%

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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