BEST RECIPES-Zero Point Weight Watchers White Chicken Chili

  • 2 lbs chicken breast
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp garlic pówder
  • 1 tsp ónión pówder
  • Salt and pepper
  • 14 óz. canned pintó beans
  • 14 óz. canned white beans
  • 14 óz. canned córn
  • 16 óz green salsa
  • 4 cups fat free chicken bróth

  1. Slów Cóóker: Add everything tó the slów cóóker and stir. Cóók ón lów fór 4 hóurs ór until chicken is cóóked thróugh. Remóve the chicken and either shred ór chóp. Return tó the sóup and serve with all yóur favórite chili tóppings.
  2. Instant Pót: Add everything tó the Instant Pót. If yóu reach the max fill line, yóu can add móre bróth after it finishes cóóking. Set tó manual fór 8 minutes. Let the Instant Pót naturally release. Remóve the chicken and shred ór chóp. Add back tó the chili and serve,
  3. Stóvetóp: Add everything tó a large sóup pót ór Dutch óven. Bring tó a simmer and let cóók fór 25-30 minutes. Ónce the chicken is cóóked thróugh, remóve and shred ór chóp. Add back tó the chili and serve.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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