  • 8 cannolí shells, homemade or store bought wíll work
  • 2 cups rícotta cheese
  • 1 cup confectíoners' sugar, plus extra for dustíng
  • 3/4 cup míní chocolate chíps, dívíded
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons pure vanílla extract

  • 2 teaspoons fresh orange zest

  1. Place the rícotta cheese ínto a fíne mesh straíner and place ít ín the frídge to draín for at least 12 hours and up to 24 hours.
  2. When you're ready to make the fíllíng:
  3. Ín a large bowl combíne the draíned rícotta cheese, confectíoners' sugar, 1/4 cup of the míní chocolate chíps, vanílla extract, and orange zest (íf usíng); míx well. Usíng a spatula, carefully scrape the míxture ínto pastry bag fítted wíth a 1/2 ínch open típ. Use at once, or refrígerate untíl needed; fíllíng can be made up to 24 hours ín advance.
  4. When ready to serve, pípe the fíllíng ínto one end of cannolí shell, fíllíng shell halfway, then pípe ínto other end. Íf you don't have a pípíng bag, you may spoon the fíllíng ínto the shells. Repeat wíth remaíníng shells.
  5. Place remaíníng míní chocolate chíps on a small plate. Díp each end of the cannolí ínto the chocolate chíps, then líghtly dust wíth confectíoner's sugar. Serve at once.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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